Ana/Mia Rules, Tips and Tricks

-Drink water, it fills you up when you are hungry and makes purging easier.
-Drink diet soda. It’ll fill you up and only has 1 calorie.
-Clean something gross, you’ll lose your appetite.
-Brush your teeth. The taste of toothpaste will be horrid with the taste of food.
-Every calorie counts. When you’re sitting, shake your leg, tap a pencil, never stop moving.
-Throw away the foods you think you’ll binge on.
-When going out, only take out the amount of money that you’ll need. Nothing extra. That way you won’t be tempted to spend it on food.
-Carry a picture of your favorite trigger everywhere you go.
-Stay cold. Your body burns more calories trying to warm you up.
-The general rule is also that hot water fills you up more and ice cold water helps you to burn more calories since it lowers your body temperature so your body has to work harder to stay warm.
-Chew sugar free gum or mints constantly. This burns calories by chewing, peppermint flavors suppress appetites, and prevents bad breath if you are in ketosis.
-Tea of Coffee are an Ana’s best friend. Drink with NO CREAM OR MILK and artificial sweetener ONLY. Tea is especially great because it comes in so many different flavors. The caffeine is also great for raising metabolism.
-Cut food into tiny pieces.
-Put your fork down between bites.
-Chew everything a certain number of times. Eat in patterns.
-Develop systems of eating. All of this helps to make food a mere object rather than the devil itself.Take a sip of water or other calorie-free liquid between each bite. You feel full much faster, partially because the body often mistakes thirst for hunger, so by drinking, one actually reduces the amount of food their body needs to eat.
-If you are really craving something specific and are on the verge of a binge, go into the kitchen, prepare it, and then eat it-but do not swallow! Chew it slowly, enjoy it, and then spit it out. Immediately after that rinse your mouth with water at least three times before swallowing a sip so you do not accidentally ingest any calories.
-If you are about to binge, pick a safe food, preferably negative calorie (pickles, celery, lettuce, etc.) and eat it non-stop for up to half an hour, taking a sip of water with each bite. Often you will not be able to even get up to half an hour, and you will be full so the desire to binge will be gone, but you haven’t eaten anything “bad.”
-Do not ever eat anything you do not know the exact amount of calories in. Sometimes you can fool yourself into thinking you’ve eaten less than you have. Remember, numbers do not lie.
-Track progress by measurements and not the scale alone. Scales are affected by everything from the weather to the time of day, but the numbers on a measuring tape are affected by nothing except the actual size of your body.
-If you must go out to eat, go to the restaurant’s web page before hand, and find something safe to eat. Do not eat bread or appetizers. Order a salad with dressing on the side if everyone else is having appetizers. If there is nothing safe on the menu most places will make you a plain piece of grilled chicken or fish if you ask.
-Eat breakfast! This gets your metabolism going.
-Eat as slowly as you can. It takes your body around 30 minutes to realize it’s full. Chew until the food dissolves in your mouth.
-If you must binge, only binge for 15 minutes then purge….this will help you get everything out.
Become a vegan or vegetarian.
-Count to 100 if you’re having a craving. Hopefully it will go away.
-If you’re binging, don’t swallow the food, spit it out.
-Eat your meals on smaller plates.
-Use your mind. Think about what the food would look like in your stomach after you’ve eaten it.
-Sabotage your food. Adding too much salt etc works great.
-Go shopping and try on clothes that you wish you could fit in to.
-Pinch all your fat and see how disgusting it is and then you’ll think that if you eat you’ll just add more to it.
-If people start saying they’re worried about your weight loss, get really upset and say how mad you get every time somebody comments on your skinny body. Complain a lot about how you wish you could gain weight so people will stop making rude comments.
-If you eat, ONLY eat when people are watching.
-Obesity is disgusting. Remember that.
-Thinspiration is your best friend. You think you’ve lost weight? Trust me you haven’t. Just check out the models online and you’ll realize that.
-Live by the scales. It’s right and you’re FAT.
-Keep in mind – If your skinny friend eats a lot, that DOES NOT mean that you can do the same.
-Learn to love that empty feeling in your stomach. Trust me you’ll feel repulsed when it starts getting full again.
-Watch what other people, especially fat people, eat and feel superior because they’re feeding their bodies and getting fatter.
-If you eat, remember to sit down in the same place every day. Somewhere solitary; not in front of TV or computer. Eating in front of TV distracts you from your body’s fullness signals, and you’re more likely not to notice what you’re eating.
-A little envy is a good thing! Competition is a great mobilizer. If you’re really hungry, buy a bag of low fat low cal hard candies. When you suck on them a lot your stomach will tell you that you are full.
-If you feel like you want to eat, go to a friend’s house that you cannot just raid the fridge.
After you purge, drink some water, jump up and down, and go purge again. Keep repeating this until you only get up water.
-Perch a leg on the toilet seat while you’re purging, then switch legs. Your leg will push on your stomach and help get things out.
-If you live with roommates or at home and need to purge while hiding it, turn on the shower while you’re purging to cover up any sounds or suspicion of taking forever, and then hop in and take a quick shower after you’re done.
-Always keep Drano on hand. It does wonders for backed up plumbing issues.
-If you’re completely desperate, mix a tablespoon of baking soda with a cup of water and drink it. It’ll make the food fizzle up and out, in addition to making you nauseous. But beware, it tastes DISGUSTING and it’ll make everything else that comes up taste just as gross.
-Wear a belt and tighten it as you progress in your purge. It will help get the food up.
-If you’re going to eat something that sinks to the bottom of your stomach, eat ice cream first.. it’ll help get everything up and work as somewhat of a cushion.
-If you start getting cramps from too much purging/electrolyte imbalance, drink Gatorade (the new G2 only has 5 cals per serving). It will help immensely.
-If you’re having trouble getting things up, drink some water and hang upside-down off your bed so that only your legs are holding you up. Gravity will get everything closer to your mouth.
-Try doing pushups, jumping jacks, squats, or other short but intense activity after a binge. You’ll feel more like throwing up right after.
-make a list of things to do instead of eating

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